40 Days, 40 Prayers

Day 23, or When Words Forsake Me


There is a piece of advice that is told to writers: when you don’t know what to write, write about that.


One can say the same about prayer. When you don’t know what to pray, pray about it. When you have no words, no thoughts, no feelings, tell Him about it, whether you feel His presence or not. Do you think He ever stops listening, even when you come to Him empty? He knows how empty you are. You’ll stay empty without Him.


Turn to Him. Talk to Him. If you can’t, just whisper until you find your voice.



My prayer for today:


Father, when I don’t know what to say, remind me that You already know everything that’s in my heart, even things I don’t know are there. Expel all fear, and fill me with love.



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